Saturday, October 30
The lessons I learned this week are pretty short and sweet. First, my preacher made a comment to the effect that we judge not the heart, but the fruit. This seems to be accurate, but I need to do some more biblical research for myself. Even so, it is very easy to cross the line from one to the other. But the big lesson came in reflecting on Dr. Scott’s manifestations of pride. It’s no real shock that pride is a problem for me. However, I did not quite realize how pervasive it was –nor how many of my behaviors were the manifestation of it. Obviously, this is the root issue which I must combat. A judgmental, critical spirit is merely a symptom of the disease. So I must study humility. Practice humility. Pray for humility.
Saturday, November 8
The final week of this “project” ended with no sanctified fanfare. No giant leaps toward humility. Instead it was a week when my flesh won out nearly every morning to sleep an extra thirty minutes rather than wake up and spend time with the Lord before heading to school to teach. And in those days, I saw my pride ever more active. That’s not a new revelation –I know the transforming power of God’s Word dramatically affects my response towards people and situations. So these past nine weeks in which I learned so much were concluded with the humble reminder that I need Christ just to get up in the morning. I need His Spirit for the revelation of His Word. The Sanctified Fanfare is not a piece I can write or perform. No, that beautiful work belongs to the Lord alone. And in His great mercy do I boast.
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